Equine Chia is organic with no chemical processing and is 100% natural. Chia is an excellent source of EFA's (essential oils), antioxidants, minerals, protein, soluble (mucilage) fibre and low NSC (non structural carbohydrate).
All of Equine Chia seed is:
Organically grown!
Certified free from chemicals, pesticides, herbicides etc!
100% Kosher, Vegan, NON-GMO and Gluten-Free
3rd party tested prior to importing!
Promotes a healthy, glossy coat
Stronger, faster growing hooves
Helps prevent laminitis and insulin disorders
Boosts the immune system
Good for respiratory system
Calms hot nervous temperaments
Eases mare cycles and oestrus inflammation
Maintains supple joints and healing in connective tissues
Assists correct development of nervous system, brain, muscles and skeleton
Repairs & maintains cellular walls
Anti-inflammatory - can act like "Bute"
Aids wound healing
Supports a healthy heart and blood circulation
Has anti-allergic properties
Encourages a strong metabolism
Chia has no strong flavour, easy to top dress
Easy to store, keeps up to two years
Economical - replaces several products in one simple grain
Horses love it!
These recommendations are based on research, science and actual experience with horses for best results. Please contact your veterinarian for more advice on changing feed rations for your horses.
We recommend feeding the seeds dry.
Allow the seeds to absorb water in the digestive tract. As they expand, the soft fibre does incredible work.
Mixing Chia seeds with 1 cup PRE-SOAKED grass or alfalfa pellets makes a tasty "cereal" that horses enjoy.
Chia can be safely fed everyday. We recommend feeding daily 5 to 6 days/week.
Feed 1/3 cup (about 57g) for each horse on pasture or maintenance.
Feed 2/3 cup (about 114g) for each horse on dry lot or stalled with hay.
We recommend 2/3 cup dose for young, growing horses, seniors, re-hab horses or competition.
All of Equine Chia seed is:
Organically grown!
Certified free from chemicals, pesticides, herbicides etc!
100% Kosher, Vegan, NON-GMO and Gluten-Free
3rd party tested prior to importing!
Promotes a healthy, glossy coat
Stronger, faster growing hooves
Helps prevent laminitis and insulin disorders
Boosts the immune system
Good for respiratory system
Calms hot nervous temperaments
Eases mare cycles and oestrus inflammation
Maintains supple joints and healing in connective tissues
Assists correct development of nervous system, brain, muscles and skeleton
Repairs & maintains cellular walls
Anti-inflammatory - can act like "Bute"
Aids wound healing
Supports a healthy heart and blood circulation
Has anti-allergic properties
Encourages a strong metabolism
Chia has no strong flavour, easy to top dress
Easy to store, keeps up to two years
Economical - replaces several products in one simple grain
Horses love it!
These recommendations are based on research, science and actual experience with horses for best results. Please contact your veterinarian for more advice on changing feed rations for your horses.
We recommend feeding the seeds dry.
Allow the seeds to absorb water in the digestive tract. As they expand, the soft fibre does incredible work.
Mixing Chia seeds with 1 cup PRE-SOAKED grass or alfalfa pellets makes a tasty "cereal" that horses enjoy.
Chia can be safely fed everyday. We recommend feeding daily 5 to 6 days/week.
Feed 1/3 cup (about 57g) for each horse on pasture or maintenance.
Feed 2/3 cup (about 114g) for each horse on dry lot or stalled with hay.
We recommend 2/3 cup dose for young, growing horses, seniors, re-hab horses or competition.