Controls certain leaf chewing and sucking insects (aphids, thrips and caterpillars) on leafy vegetables, flowers and vines.
- Based on a natural plant root extract
- Withholding period on edible crops only 1 day
- Breaks down quickly
Handy easy to use shaker pack - no mixing or spraying required
7.5 g / kg Rotenone (derris)
DO NOT allow pets or children to enter treated areas
DO NOT apply near dams, ponds or water supplies
Toxic to fish
Withholding period on edible crops only 1 day
DO NOT apply when soil is dry and plant are suffering from moisture stress
DO NOT apply when temperatures are above 30°C
DO NOT apply if rain is expected or on windy days.
Storage & Disposal
Store in the closed, original container in a cool, dry place out of reach of children. DO NOT store in direct sunlight. Dispose of empty container by wrapping in paper, placing in plastic bag and putting in garbage. DO NOT recycle empty container.
Safety Directions
May irritate the eyes and skin. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash hands after use.